June 09, 2008

new iPhone announced, but not interesting for me.

So, today Steve Jobs announced the 2nd generation iPhone on the WWWDC. Unlike the first model, the new iPhone finally has full 3G-support (so, the Fanboys don't have to argue with "EDGE is fast enough!" any more ;) and has also the abilitiy to use GPS which allows tracking with the installed Google Maps software. Also, the already announced Software Developement Kit (SDK) was mentioned again, which removes imho a big disadvantage of the iPhone, which was that there was no official way to install other applications than the pre-installed one.
Well, the most interesting change is the price - it will be rapidly reduced.
(My English-teacher told me that in Britain, the iPhone is not only availible with a contract, but with pay-as-you-go, which would be very interesting if availible in Germany, too. This makes the whole iPhone much cheaper if you don't use it much as a phone) But at all, the iPhone is imho a nice gadged, but still has to many limitations.
I am in doubt that the iPhone 2g is able to use the internal cam (Which is not changed and remains a 2mpx-cam) to record videos (A feature which is quite important, at least for me), also you might still not use custom MP3-Files as ringtones (I like creating and mixing own ringtones on the computer using snippets from my favourite songs) nor sending and receiving MMS (Which is not so important for me, but "nice to have" - and a cellphone pronounced as "the iPhone you have been waiting for" should offer features that even my 3 years old crappy cellphone offers.)

So, the iPhone 3g is still not "the perfect phone", even if Apple-fanboys might argue this way.
It is only less shitty than the first version.

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